Ambassador Roles

Grass Science Seeds

The superb Grass Science Seeds golf seed collection provides outstanding benefits for all turf managers across the UK. GSS aim to use science and knowledge to fill every gap in the market with seed mixes available for every requirement and budget. GSS work with some of the best seed houses and suppliers worldwide, providing their clients with the best range of cultivators.
Alan said, "I met the guys at GSS when I played with them in a pro am at Pannal Golf Club in Harrogate a couple of years ago, and was intrigued to learn what they do and the science behind grass seeds as well as agricultural seeds / wildflower and bees. When I’m on my travels around the country I like to try and introduce GSS to Golf Club Managers and Greenkeepers to make them aware of the product.
In simple terms, GSS take the gamble away by using sampling and science, leaving only mother nature to chance”.
To view all GSS’s products, please visit Grass Science Seeds - Agricultural, Amenity and Wildflower Seeds (grass-science-seeds.co.uk) or contact them at